

I was watching Dateline (laugh if you will) tonight and they had a special about the hurricane damage. Wow was all I could think to say. I cannot even imagine the devastation that those families are feeling right now. To have such a big city completely underwater is impossible to even imagine. The stories of people waiting it out because they couldn't even afford a tank of gas, ending up in their attics and cutting holes in the ceiling to escape are completely unthinkable.

I was trying to imagine what it would be like to survive the storm, come back to your "neighborhood" or whatever was left of it to find your house in scraps and all of your belongings having drifted away. Where would you go? What would you grab at the last minute, if anything at all? What if you had no where to go?? No family, no friends that weren't also looking for places to go after experiencing the devastation. How do you deal?

One of the most dramatic pictures on the news, in my opinion, was not the many pictures of the city under water. It was the picture of the coast in Mississippi completely torn to pieces and flooded with a GORGEOUS sunset in the background. From that same sky, the one that now depicts one of the most beautiful scenes in all of nature, just days earlier came one of the most catastrophic events in the last century. What an incredibly powerful image.

School is BACK

Well school started back up yesterday...it was so great to see the girls again. We were like 14 year olds after summer vacation when we all walked into the classroom. Pathetic really...but so fun all at the same time. I'm so glad that we are all such good friends. It's really been great. Anyway, the class part...I could take it or leave it honestly but it's one of those things that you just gotta do. Two semesters left. Then I can be a grown up and get a real job. Can't wait.

On other notes, I will be in St. Louis this weekend for Labor Day with Sara. So if anyone wants to get together for lunch, snack, coffee, dinner, whatever, I would definitely be open to that idea. So call me and let me know!

Love to all



So one of the pitfalls of living in this wonderful city is the RODENT ISSUE that apparently everyone has. So as a good New Yorker, I got a cat to take care of the problem. And taken care of it, it has, mostly. They don't make themselves known all over my counters as they used to prior to Chloe. However, up to this point, I have had a hunch that they still live down in the corner but honestly I'm ok with that as long as they don't decide they want a piece of dinner and don't use the toilet for their bodily functions. That's when a healthy relationship with the rodent kind goes awry.

So I look out at said corner the other night and see Chloe watching the corner and darting her head back and forth like she was watching something. Bad sign. So I go over, get down on my hands and knees with the flashlight and try to see what she was looking at. Meantime, Chloe was looking at me like I was crazy for worrying about something that is 1/1000 of my size....WHATEVER...mice are frightening. So I look under the over and what do I see? THE LITTLE BEADY EYES!!! SIIIIICK. Of course, I scream and run for the living room in good ME form. I'm still not worried though, they hadn't shown themselves north of the floor. So the next day I wake up, gettin ready in the bathroom and I'm hearing this squeaky noise coming from the corner area. Another bad sign. So also in good ME style, I ignore it. Get back to the apartment later that afternoon and the squeaking is still going on. I CANNOT live with the little nasties if they are going to make noise. So out with the trusty flashlight and I open up the cabinet door to see where the noise is coming from. All of a sudden I realize that the noise isn't coming from the cabinet where I now have my head stuck into but ABOVE that. PLEASE NO. I take a step back, say to Nikki, "I think we have a sitation. Remeber the sticky trap that has been behind the microwave on the counter for a while?" You see where this is going...We then all proceed to scream and jump up and down waving our hands like little girls. When we calm down, Nikki says, "I'm not touching that thing!" WHA? I have to do it??? YUCKO. I get up my nerve and remember that I have some rubber examination gloves (I got them free from a convention so they just so happened to be green apple and grape flavor...) So I went and got the gloves (oh how I wish I had a picture of this) and redied my hands, one now green and one now blue, for the task ahead. I pulled the microwave out and see the poor little gray thing squirming and squeaking and stuck to the nasty sticky stuff. Yes I almost jumped and screamed again at the sight of a 2 inch rodent. I pulled myself together, pulled out the whole business and put it in a bag for NIKKI to take out to the trash. I am no animal rights activist but I felt TERRIBLE like a MURDERER! Crazy. But with a little more jumping up and down waving our hands like 15 year old girls at a sleepover, we all felt much better. Chloe has been pretty good keeping guard since then so that makes us happy. I don't like rodents....but I'm glad they are only the really small ones....
*deep sigh*


Just an update

So sorry for all of those who have been checking in and seeing no update...well, maybe I should just address that to mom and dad....whatever...but I do see that Ryan is back in full effect on the comments so I do have one more reader....life is good.

My last week before getting back to school and the real world has been a little busy. I've gotten a good amount of hours at work which is a good thing as far as the paycheck goes but a TERRIBLE thing as far as morale goes. It's the price ya gotta pay I suppose. When can I quit huh?

So in the mean time I decided that I should get my employment paperwork in to the hospital before school starts so that i don't forget. So I went up there the other day to turn in my physical info. I walk in and the nurse says that I have to have another TB test (hey sure why not just round it off to an even two for both TB and blood tests in the past two weeks...) so I did that and then went up to Human Resources to fill out the "paperwork". WHOA is all I have to say. She hands me a packet that is about half an inch thick and says, "You can have a seat right over there and fill that out if you like." oh thanks... So I ended up taking it home because I needed addresses and phone numbers to account for the last five years of my life as well as phone numbers and addresses for people that can vouch for my story on where I've been for the last five years...crazy huh? oh well. Better safe than sorry as they say.

So anyway, that's where I've been. Hope life is good for everyone.



I just spent the last forever (too long i suppose) trying to get my instant messenger to work. Apparently, AOL decided that they should put fatal errors in my screen name so that I can no longer sign on with the trusty ol christinajoy04. Very sad :( So I had to whip out the back up and start using that one instead. How annoying is that? Ugh. So if you want the new name just let me know and I'll share (to all 4 of my readers!).



Went to see Chicago on Broadway tonight with Nikki. QUITE FUN. We decided to see what we could get in the way of cheap tickets so we went to the box office and got standing room only tickets for $21.25. A DEAL!! Granted, you have to stand the whole time, but considering the people sitting right in front of us paid $100 or more for their seats, I say we got a pretty good deal. And it was on the orchestra level so the view was great. And yes, the musical itself is a bit racy, but the dancing and singing is SO good and the story is funny. It's a CLASSIC! Glad we were able to see it! What should we see next??!?


An afternoon of wandering...

Since school hasn't started, I didn't have to work and didn't seem to have any other appointments or places to be, I found myself with an entire free afternoon today. So, In the spirit of embracing independence and free time, I chose to go and explore and take a HUGE walk. I was going to go to the park and draw (something I haven't done in probably a year or more) but those plans were nixed by a storm that came through mid morning. So I just put on some jeans and a t-shirt, got the umbrella, the ipod and the camera and wandered on out. I decided to go up to the upper west side and see what I could find. I took the train up to 96th street and wandered through the neighborhoods and walked home.
I found this really cool little park/garden stuck between two townhouses filled with flowers, grafitti, tables, benches, and kids toys. Since it had just rained, there was no one there which made it that much more interesting.
The grafitti that was on the side of one of the buildings was really cool. Very artistic and looked like it was a dedication of some sort, right in the middle of this beautiful garden full of children's toys. I would love to know who did it and why. But this is New York right? There are so many things that I would love to know the history behind. Ohhh if the walls could talk, as they say...


The one and only R C : In the words of Nike, "Just do it"

Well Ryan recently discovered the joy of my blog and upon discovery he proceeded to post an "anonymous" comment that screamed his name. SO, I then told him that I would put a tribute to RC on the infamous blog. So here's to you, RC. Although we've had our differences throughout the years, he's a good guy and I hope he knows that I think that.


Well, this past weekend consisted of family, HEAT, pools, and the need for Starbucks. All around a good weekend. It was my grandmother's 80th birthday this weekend, so the family (immediate and extended) all went to Boca Raton/Del Ray area to celebrate.
The first full day that we had in Florida primarily consisted of some time at the beach. However that was cut short because it was WAY TOO HOT. I think it was around 99 degrees or something crazy like that. So the three of us kids decided that we should hang at the pool.
I know that I grew up in Florida so there should be a place in my heart for this hot state, but ya know...it was HOT. I mean HOT. like 99 degrees and 89% humidity. Granny's birthday party/picnic was at a park on Sunday. We planned it right and got there about an hour and a half late (on purpose) but the second we got there we proceeded to start sweating in the shade. At one point my dad and Ashley went over to the lake for a few minutes then came back and said, "It's almost cool in the shade after you stand in the blaring sun for 10 minutes!" yeah....great...
But all in all, it was a fun weekend. Had some time to catch up with the family, made Granny's year by coming down to see her, and even got a bit of some sun! So, thanks Mom and Dad for having a great family!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!


PICS coming soon!!

Probably on my way home right now. Lots of pics and updates to soon follow! Keep holding your breath for that dedication to the one and only, RC...



Well I'm off to Florida after I get a bit of rest. And take note people, I'm NOT taking my computer with me! AHHH!!! So if you need to get a hold of me (ha I can't imagine what for...) just call the cell. I'll have that and the ipod as technological support. So love to you all and to most of my readers (HA), see you soon!!



Well, I'm off to Florida tomorrow morning to hang out with the fam -- immediate and extended. So what is the most appropriate preparation, you ask? Packing? Absolutely not. Manicure and pedicure time! Yeah. That is one thing that is WELL WORTH the money in this town. And it's so cheap here! $17.99 for manicure and pedicure two doors down from my apartment. Life is good.


Another way that New York is crazy different from the rest of the world...

I had to go to the doctor today. 1) YUCK 2) I'm not dying (yet), don't worry. I just had to get a physical and some bloodwork for my intership at the hospital next month. Anyway, back home when you have to go to the doctor is no big deal right? You just get in your cute Honda and drive to the office, walk in the door, sit and wait and do your thing, right? Well, here, just like everything else, life is that much more ...what's the word...a step up in security, i guess is the best way to put it. I find the lovely 30 story (that was my guess) building on 59th Street and make my way in through the revolving doors. I enter into a HUGE lobby covered in marble and a very large security desk situated in the front. There was a line of people who had walked in the door so i figured that I should get in that line right? So I got behind the guy delivering lunch to some office and the guy in the business suit waiting to go up for a meeting. I got to the head of the line and gave my name and what I was there for to the guy behind the counter. He proceeds to type my name in the computer, see that I had an appointment with the doctor, print out a pass for me and instruct me to "Scan the card at the first turnstile and take the elevator to the 10th floor." So I walk over to the squatty metal thing with two arms blocking my way, stick my card in the side of it and the arms open up. Keep in mind that this whole time I'm trying EXTREMELY hard not to look super clumsy like I had never seen anything like this. I think I did a pretty good job, personally. So yeah, it was a little WEIRD! It was all perfectly normal once you got up to the 10th floor. Except for when the nurse got mad at me because I apparently didn't get the message that she left for me saying not to eat anything...and when she started asking me questions about where I lived and worked after she stuck the thermometer in my mouth. She was a bit odd and not so nice. But the doctor was nice and I only left with two bandaids on my arm. I only SORT of looked like I was a crazy drug addict as I walked home...

On other notes, for anyone looking for jeans, GAP's new fit of jeans is quite possibly the GREATEST pair of jeans that this hard-to-buy-jeans-for girl has ever owned. So all you girls (ah hem, heather ah hem) who feel my pain here, go to your nearest GAP and try them on (West County Mall has NO GAP -- a travesty -- try the Galleria). What do I love so much about them, you say? well a) there is NO jeanie-weanie (and don't even try to tell me you don't know what that is...) and b) there is no awkward gaping at the waist in the back. How they got that to go away, I'm not sure but I'd like them to continue doing whatever they are doing. I'm pretty much obsessed today as I wear them. Heck, I'll probably be just as obsessed tomorrow because I will most likely wear them AGAIN, I love them that much. Maybe someone from GAP will read this and give me a few more pairs for free....that'd be great...



The paper is DONE and handed in! YEAH! That means that all I have to do is wait until Thursday when I get to go to Florida with the fam. In the mean time, my room is in MUCH need of some serious love so that's going to take up some time these next couple of days. I was thinking about taking a picture of my mess of a room and posting it here so that everyone could see how absolutely DISASTEROUS it is, but I think I would scare people off.
Love to all


Just breathe...

Just a few song lyrics to distract me from writing a paper and to remind everyone of what's real out there...

I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
and wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain
More and more I need you now,
I owe you more each passing hour
the battle between grace and pride
I gave up not so long ago
So steal my heart and take the pain
and wash the feet and cleanse my pride
take the selfish, take the weak,
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
the sin-soaked heart and make it yours
take my world all apart
take it now, take it now
and serve the ones that I despise
speak the words I can't deny
watch the world I used to love
fall to dust and thrown away
I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
so wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain
so steal my heart and take the pain
take the selfish, take the weak
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
take my world apart, take my world apart
I pray, I pray, I pray
take my world apart

Answer me this one...

Ok all you brilliant people out there. Here's the situation: Tell me if this strikes you as at all weird. So about 6 months ago or something I started talking to this guy (darn internet phase i was in) and he seemed very nice and went to my church it turns out. So we talked and I said, sure what the heck. Meet me at my Starbucks for coffee and a chat next week. So said event did in fact occur. I had been there earlier studying so had already had a drink. He came in, got no drink and we just chatted. Seemed like a nice guy and had his head on straight for the most part. SLLLLIGHTLY a big nerd (and for all you nerds out there, i mean the "real" kind) but I was willing to over look that and see if there was anything more to it. The boy rides his bike around the city. Now there is nothing wrong with that except that he wears a HUGE helmet and carries it EVERYWHERE. That includes on dates. Anway, he walked me home (bike on the other side of us) and we said that we would do something else some time. So in between we chatted very late at night on the phone and he seemed nice (am i getting redundant with that?). So we decided to meet after I got out of class one night (around 8:30ish). He says, Meet me at Off the Wagon at 8:30. Now, if you are from here, you know that Off the Wagon is one of the diviest, post-college frat boy bars in the city (but cheap). See, not being versed with the whole bar scene in the city, I did not know that. So i said sure what the heck. Schlep all of my school stuff, decked out in professional attire to this bar in the village. Of course, he is about 15 minutes late, leaving me standing there guarding all of my SLP stuff trying not to look like too much of a loner. Anyway, he finally gets there, helmet in hand, mud splattered up his back from his bike, we have a couple drinks (at happy hour prices might i add) then we go get pizza next door. woo stinkin hoo. So he walks me to the subway, bike in hand and the only thing i could think of was, 'I wonder if he takes his bike everywhere? I don't think I could ever hold his hand if the other hand was on the bike.' That should have been red flag #324 but no....

This whole thing was over the span of about 4 or 5 weeks (TWO psuedo-dates, thanks very much). Anyway, after much consideration of my last thoughts and deliberation with Sara and Nikki (it was more like an intervention on their part) I decided that this thing had to end. So, I ended it. Told him our schedules were too different and I just wasn't into as much as I would like for 5 weeks yada yada yada all that. He knew where I lived and where I worked but I didn't think that was a big deal so didn't freak out much about it. So that was the end of that right???

NOT SO MUCH!! So soon you be fooled. Saw him at church about 4 weeks ago and proceeded to walk in the other direction out the door. Apparently, he was with a girl though so I thought I was safe. SO, this is where all of you come in...
I was at work tonight. I had gone to the back to check something for a client and come back out. I was standing in the front of the store with my manager talking to her and I looked toward the back of the store and who do I see? CRAZY BOY I SORT OF WENT OUT WITH!!! I have no idea what this other girl was saying to me at the time. All I know is that I panicked and told her that I had to go in the back RIGHT AWAY. So I went to the fitting rooms and told the girl in there to be on the lookout for him. I started to describe him and she says to me, "OH the guy with the bike helmet??" "Ummm yep....that's him..." So she came back in and said the coast was clear and that he had left.

So here is the queston: IS THAT WEIRD OR AM I JUST OVERREACTING? I mean seriously, six months ago folks. And we were never really even dating. Why do such things happen to me??? (And no, this is not the first of this type of story...they love me) Please, do inform me of the ways of crazy people. I am apparently out of the loop. All i know is that I was NOT comfortable with him randomly walking into my work univited after not talking to him for SIX MONTHS. Oh the situations I get myself into....


Cel Le Brate good times!!!

You have to sing that title to fully understand it...
ANYWAY, in celebration of a full year here in New York, Nikki and I decided to make a good meal and enjuoy ourselves for the night. We did good. Thanks to St. Louis Mom and Dad and their generous $25 gift card to WHOLE FOODS, we ate well.

The Menu:
Yummy Campbell Salad --> Field greens with madarin oranges, toasted almonds, and red onions marinaded in a sweet mustard vinagarette. That equals DELICIOUS if you've never been to a Campbell family holiday or never had it.

Salmon Fillets with cous cous stuffing (I'd like to say that I made that myself but Whole Foods makes it too easy to just buy it and put it in the oven)
Sauteed green beans
Sweet potatoes

Cranberry Apple Crisp with Breyers vanilla bean ice cream (another that I would like to say I made but...again, I blame Whole Foods...it's really good!)

So thank you to all. It was lovely.