

I shall call today Macintosh DOOMSDAY...

This is what happened:
Computer has been acting up for about a week or so. For instance, it would let me turn it on for about 15 ish minutes (sometimes more sometimes less) but then it would get the swirly thing (the 'beachball from hell' as my mom says her 'college friends' call it) and wouldn't do anything else. So I made an appointment to see a Genius at the Genius Bar (Apple store in SoHo) for this afternoon. I woke up this morning, tried to turn the thing on and all I get is the folder with the blinking question mark (read: NO GOOD). So I let the guy take a look at it this afternoon (who thought I was 'lovely' - thanks buddy but that's not helping me right now). He proceeded to confirm my worse fears and tell me that there was a 'complete hard drive failure.' CRAP. Luckily, I'm finished with all the big stuff at school and all I need to do is study for finals but all my notes are on there and guess who was planning on backing up her computer last week and never got around to it for lack of time??? yeah me...stupid
SO I had the thing sent off and apparently they are going to fix it for about $300 which I feel is not a terrible price. Still $300 but not $700. Oh well...

So I'm going through iBaby withdrawl. I'm sad because I lost all of my music i downloaded and bought from iTunes as well as the good majority of my pictures. I could care less about my papers and all that...hahaha...you can see where my priorities are! I'm currently savoring my iPod. If anyone knows how to get music from the iPod TO the computer I would be forever grateful. That would save me and make me feel a tad bit better.

So that's my rant for the night...makes me sad to think that I can't have her for 7-10 business days and that I have to use a PC (gasp!!) for my addictive emailing needs. Pray for me ;)


At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Leah showed me your blog here, and I think I can help with the ipod thing…
Try this, this, or this.
I hope you get your fix soon, because ibook withdrawl can get pretty ugly.


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