

I just spent the last forever (too long i suppose) trying to get my instant messenger to work. Apparently, AOL decided that they should put fatal errors in my screen name so that I can no longer sign on with the trusty ol christinajoy04. Very sad :( So I had to whip out the back up and start using that one instead. How annoying is that? Ugh. So if you want the new name just let me know and I'll share (to all 4 of my readers!).


At 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a truly truly annoying thing to happen. my heart goes out to you cjc. Ya know what i do when i get really annoyed bc of some microsoft latent bug that doesnt let me get onto my IM as ryanandrew04? I change my name to anonymous instead. then i feel much better. (sigh) yes. yes. much better. scooby shoe wop.

p.s. doo bop


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