
What is that, Mom?

I finally made it out to the infamous FIRE ISLAND, New York this past weekend. I've heard so much about it from Sara but have never been able to make it out there due to that retail position that took up EVERY weekend of my summer...no, I'm not bitter. So since I quit, my weekends seem a bit more free. Sara called me up saying that these people that she babysits for needed her and another sitter to watch theirs and their friend's kids for a party they were having out there. So I agreed and we went out with them Saturday morning. You have to drive to the other end of Long Island and then take a ferry over to the island, because only emergency vehicles are allowed on the island. The "roads" are more of extra wide sidewalks really. But it was SO cute and relaxing! Besides the screaming children, of course...easily forgotten when staying at the beach. There was about 10 New York kids between 6 months and 8 years which made for an interesting night, especially when there was still 8 parents "mingling" and having cocktails in the kitchen all telling the kid something different...makes a babysitter's job fun really. Anyway, by the time they all actually left for dinner it was almost 9:00 and the older kids had no intentions of going to sleep any time soon. They were all piled on the floor in front of the TV. Finally at about 10:45, Sara convinced them to play "sleep over". We brought out the blankets and turned down the lights and everything. We even went as far as to tell them to "trick" their parents when they got home by closing their eyes and pretending to be sleeping. HA the joys of getting children to do what you want...it's such a game. So the tricks worked and most of them fell asleep soon thereafter.

But funny story...the next day, we were over at the house with all the kids (we stayed at the hotel that Sara's aunt manages next door -- the one in the picture above) and another one of the moms was borrowing an iron. The cutest little girl grabs her mom's hand, points to the iron and says in a very inquisitive tone, "MOM, what is that???" All the moms and Sara and myself laughed at that one. The girl is about 4 so she's had ample opportunity to be exposed to an iron, but apparently Mom doesn't use one of those. I'm sure she thinks that clothes just come out of those clear plastic bags that the doorman brings up all clean and ironed all by themselves...oh the life...

Anyway, it was a good weekend. The weather out here has been great with fall coming in so that made for a good time. I think we were even chilly at one point which i LOVED. So maybe next summer I will be able to actually get out there in the summer season to enjoy it...crazy thought. The pic below is me in one of the many wagons that the people "park" by the ferry dock. It's like a parking lot except cars aren't allowed. You don't really get the full picture but just imagine about 4 times more wagons than you see there and you've got it about right. It was fun.


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