
So, I really have no idea what I'm doing with this thing, honestly. someone is going to have to teach me how to post pictures and all that good stuff. then maybe i will be cool! i also need the time to figure out how to do that but alas....i don't have that....
anyway, welcome to all.

I just finished my second day at my summer externship thingy. man, it's amazing just how little sleep a person can get by on isn't it? the past couple days have been crazy busy but parts have been really great which is refreshing. basically, i start out my day leaving west 46th street at about 7:15 (and for those of you that know me, that is PAINFULLY EARLY) with a LARGE to-go cup of coffee (i never thought i would be one of those morning coffee people, but here i am), walk to the subway and ride up to the north end of the bronx which takes about an hour depending of if i get on the local or the express. i thought the trip would suck completely but it has actually been kinda nice. it's like forced time for reflection. i can't be doing a whole lot like cleaning or doing homework or speech pathology on a train at 7:30 in the morning. soooo, shock of all shocks, i've taken up reading! WHOA, you say? i know, i know....crazy idea. i got through almost half of Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller just on my first day of commuting. I'll definitely be giving some thoughts about what i think of the book here soon.

so then i get to the school and have 6 sessions of working with kids ranging in age from 4 to 9. as much as i have completely fought the school scene all of my educational career, thinking that i would never ever work there, i actually kinda like it here....hmmm. don't you hate when the plan that you think you've got for yourself is altered??? god has a way of doing that doesn't he? i'm not saying that i've changed my mind about the population i want to work with or anything like that....just that i'm thinking. i'm really learning so much about diversity and the resilience of the human spirit. some of these kids have so much going against them but they are such beautiful people. anyway, i leave there at 2:30 and go to starbucks downtown to get my planning for the next day done before i work at ann taylor loft usually from 6-11. my job at ATL totally sucks but i'm trying to not think about it and keep a decent attitude about it. pray that i don't go postal on everyone there one day... after than i come back to west 46th street, pet my dear little kitty, say sorry for leaving her all the time, sleep and the day starts all over again...it's quite the life. weekends are MUCH anticipated! Praise the LORD that I no longer work sundays. He knew what he was talking about saying that peole need a day of rest!!

Well, my eyes need a rest. Check back soon, i'm going to try to keep this up to date and put some pictures up if i can get someone to show me how to do that (you know who you are!!)

know that you are all loved and missed dearly!
christina (a.k.a. cjc, chris, chrissy-t, chrissy, rist, dena and whatever other name you great people have called me over the years!)


At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'll tell your Mom about this and show her how to respond. I know she will want to keep up with you... after all we LOVE you.... enough of that!! I did tell your Mom about your experience walking to the train station the other day. She handled it quite well. We'll be seeing your favorite brother this weekend and we will tell him about your new publishing venture here. Anyway, I've got to get packing soon or I won't catch the plane. I'll keep you up to date on the job scene. A few very interesting things have come up lately. Keep praying for me on this! OK?


At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we think dina or christinterna should be your blooger (oops blogger)name. will you be putting recipes on here? what about famous celeb sightings? what about fashion tips for the stay at home mom? --anonymous :)

At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Christina,

This is new to me too, but seems like a safe place to start! (In fact, I already messed up and lost my first message - this is a second try!)

I just spent another wonderful sunny week at Laguna Beach Christian RESORT with five lovely thirteen-year-old ladies - mostly the same girls as last year. We missed you this time! I feared being exhausted and bursting from the intensity of it all, but God faithfully answered prayers beyond my expectations, of course! Parker and Shaun were great too.

Sounds like you're enjoying the NYC life! I'd love your reading time... Blue Like Jazz was great and I also enjoyed Miller's next book: Searching for God Knows What. Can't wait to hear what you think of it.

Have a great day in the city!

Love, Jennifer


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